An Ode to Small Business Fatherly Advice

June 7, 2022 10:00 am

“What’s long, brown, and sticky?” If your dad is particularly inclined to tell dad jokes, you have probably heard this one before. The answer, of course? “A stick.” [Slow clap]   Dads can lend a special light to our lives, not least of which is bad humor. On the other hand, they are also sources of immense wisdom if we can tap into that wisdom. They’ve experienced so much more than we have! We can observe the same phenomenon when it comes to older, wiser mentors in the business. Some entrepreneurs are lucky enough to count their father as their mentor[...]

Social Media Dos and Don’ts for Your Small Business

June 7, 2022 6:00 am

One of the ways we support West Virginia small businesses at 3 Steps to StartUp is by spreading useful knowledge. Our venture fairs and LIINC events last year brought innovators and entrepreneurs together to share their technical knowledge with aspiring small business owners. We also strive to provide information through our blog with posts like this one!   Social media cannot be ignored in today’s business world. With widespread social media use by consumers, a small business would be making a mistake to skip participating in social media. Business social media pages are a primary source of inbound marketing in today’s[...]

Let’s Celebrate West Virginia Small Business! 

May 17, 2022 1:11 pm

Earlier this month, we celebrated National Small Business Week, and West Virginian entrepreneurs have much to celebrate! In West Virginia, our small business climate has been steadily growing. Specifically, between 2018 and 2021, we’ve seen a 50% growth year-over-year in business filings. When you keep in mind that this span of years also played host to a global pandemic, it is clear West Virginia truly is a land of opportunity for small business entrepreneurs.   Our state has claimed this success by moving the business registration process online, making it easier to access the means to start a business. We have[...]

6 Ways to Shop Local this Mother’s Day 

May 3, 2022 8:01 am

Whoever the special mom is that you’re shopping for, you know you’ve got to get it right this Mother’s Day. One of the goals we have at 3 Steps to StartUp is to help small businesses survive and thrive in our state. We know that living in West Virginia gives us access to high-quality and unique options for spending our hard-earned money, and that includes gift-giving. What better way to say “Happy Mother’s Day” this year? Here are six ideas for your Mother’s Day small business shopping.  Flowers   The classic Mother’s Day gift, flowers are always an appreciated treat. Finding[...]

Spring Cleaning for Your Small Business  

April 19, 2022 6:00 am

Spring has arrived, and that means ‘tis the season for spring cleaning! Your small business is no exception when it comes to the need for refreshing. At 3 Steps to Startup, we are in the business of providing support for entrepreneurs throughout West Virginia at all stages. If you’re hoping to start a new business, there’s no time like the present! Jump in with support from our program! If you’re a first-time entrepreneur already in business, utilize these 4 strategies to do some “spring cleaning” for your business.   Update and refresh your website and social media pages   Your website[...]

Adversity: What Our Experience Has Taught Us

April 5, 2022 6:00 am

Despite the adversity businesses face today, West Virginia’s economy is doing well in 2022. Unemployment in the first part of this year reached 3.9%, an all-time low. State leaders are optimistic about what 2022 will bring, even though we are still feeling the effects of a pandemic after two years: effects that small business owners have felt the most. The three main complications affecting small businesses in 2022 are COVID-19 (the threat of new variants), inflation, and supply-chain issues. At 3 Steps to Startup, we understand issues like these because we’ve experienced and overcome them! Below, we identify 5 helpful[...]

March TAX Madness for Small Business in West Virginia 

March 15, 2022 8:00 am

March Madness is upon us… and so is the madness of tax season. If you’re a small business owner, and especially if you’re new to entrepreneurship, this time of year can be overwhelming. At 3 Steps to Startup, we want to provide you with the know-how to make it through this tax season with a win! Here are some pointers for making sure you lead your business through March tax Madness without any upsets.   1) Know how much time is on the clock:  One of the most important things to know as a small business owner is the timing of[...]

How Critical is Luck When it Comes to Small Business Success? 

March 1, 2022 8:00 am

Many entrepreneurs attribute the success of their businesses to hard work… and a little bit of luck. This month, in honor of St. Patrick’s Day, we ask: is luck the determining factor for a business’s success?  The consensus is no. Entrepreneurs who credit good luck for their success usually indicate that it is only a portion of what goes into business success – and far smaller than the majority. Most of them give luck credit amounting to 20% or less. When pressed, the common thread for what people consider “luck” is actually just good timing. Elon Musk revealed that Tesla[...]

No Entrepreneur Does it Alone

February 15, 2022 8:00 am

Show love to your supporters this month!  February is a month to feel the love and to show some love! Now is a great time to reflect on feeling the support and gratitude that comes with it. A healthy entrepreneur can see the big picture and realizes that the success of a business depends on everyone involved. Feeling and showing gratitude have many benefits. Learning to show gratitude as a habit is an effective way to not only improve your entrepreneurial skills but improve your psychological and even physical health.  Let 3 Steps to Startup kickstart your “feeling the love”[...]